Photos: Judi Stroud
Hordes of aliens, space pirates, Jedi knights and super heroes invaded Logan North Library, Brisbane to hear JOSH VS TERRA Book 2 of the Super Space Kids series,.
Will JOSH, Earth’s #1 super space hero, defeat Lord Terra and SAVE the Galaxy?
With my most expressive JOSH voice and dramatic actions, I zipped out all my teacher and theatrical resources to keep this lively bunch entertained. After each chapter the kids stood up and reached for the stars and then formed a rocket shape with their arms to Blast Off!
I delivered the first three chapters of JOSH VS TERRA, leaving them begging for more … Gee I miss teaching sometimes!!

First prize to Dugan
I made them all honorary Super Space Kids, inviting them to punch POWER into the cosmos, fight evil and save the galaxy from destruction.
After the reading, I judged the most original costumes for SUPER prizes, Donated by the library including a DVD, colouring books and super strips of space stickers. Cameras flashed. The audience cheered.
What are my TOP SECRETS for organizing a Library Session?
- Liaise with the library for a PRIME time and suitable theme activities
- Organize a costume competition with prizes
- Print off photo permission forms for parents to sign
- Get into the spirit by wearing a theme costume or funny hat
- Dramatize story with voice inflections, whispers, pauses and actions
- Publicize via Facebook invitations plus through library channels
- Engage and interact with the children with warm-ups and a climactic response
What was the Best THING about my Reading?
I was overwhelmed by the super enthusiastic feedback from kids, parents and the librarians. They really LOVED my story! Today was a dress rehearsal for JOSH AND THE IT‘s future book launch. An International SCI-FI publisher requested JOSH AND THE IT, and is currently considering it for publication. I’m squeezing my eyes shut, visualizing my ultimate victory. I can taste the sweet essence of success … spurring me NOT to give up.

Prize winners ... Caitin, Alex, Bill, Rohan
A special thanks to ALL those who zoomed out to meet JOSH today and to Logan North Library for inviting me to be part of August’ SCI-FI activities.
My next event will be ‘How to BUILD an Author Platform‘ on Tuesday 30th @ 6.30 pm where I share my Secrets on how I promoted and marketed JOSH AND THE IT to receive attention from Publishers … A non-fiction publisher requested my CASE STUDY for a marketing book … soon to be launched … Please book online or phone 3412 4140
Thanks everyone for your ongoing support and believing … JOSH AND THE IT will be published … Please wish me a rocket blast full of supersonic luck!
Can my Dream really come true?
Looks like it was a fantastic event! Your certainly doing your bit to keep reading exciting for kids! Best wishes with the publisher! Rebecca x
Thanks Rebecca, I had a Blast, dramatizing the story to the kids. Today’s event boosted my confidence, “That It WILL Happen.”
with your energy, enthusiasm, self-belief and obvious narrative skills a book deal is going to come your way!
Thanks John :)) Each day I battle self-doubt and the only I can overcome it is by doing something constructive. Thanks for believing in me!