Stocking Stuffers of Hope and Cheer

Stocking Stuffers

Stocking Stuffers of Hope & Cheer USA invited my children’s book Song Bird Superhero to join their Prezi interactive presentation. Song Bird Superhero shares positive messages of self-belief, reaching your dream and bully prevention.

Winners Song Bird

Song Bird Superhero  shows strength with Rosie overcoming bullying. And diversity with side-kick, Amy triumphing over her Cerebral Palsy challenges. Both girls are super smart at STEM science, breaking stereotypes. FREE kids resources click here.


Christmas for many children and their families celebrates the most wonderful time of the year! Children scurrying around making holiday plans, ringing in the season to be jolly, singing holiday tunes, with happy wide smiles from ear to ear.


Not so Happy Christmas for Others

Among children frolicking we notice anxious, worried and sad children. Christmas can be the toughest time of year for them. Some children are driven into depression and feeling hopeless. Many will need someone to talk to – a counselor, a teacher, a close relative, or an adult they trust.

So, let’s not forget children who are doing it tough.  Perhaps experiencing the death of a loved one, hunger, poverty, loneliness, separation from their parents, abusive home lives, being bullied or isolated at school. Christmas time may bring sad memories.

HOW we help children feel better around the holiday season?

How can we help lift a child’s spirit so they can enjoy the celebrations?

I don’t claim to have all the answers. Let’s share ideas to help lift a child’s spirit. Anti-depressants may help some children. But if we can avoid this, some children can get through the holidays without being medicated.

What about a great book, colouring book, journal or diary?


Books help children relax, put a smile on their faces, help them laugh a little, or sooth their minds. Children would love to spend time journaling. Writing can be another past-time to get through the holidays while children take their minds off their home life.

Within the Prezi link below I share books from inspiring authors, Bloggers, speakers, and podcasters that will help children through the holidays.

Please add more book ideas to the list by commenting below.


Take a look at the RED Prezi Stocking Stuffers Presentation link

It’s a Prezi Holiday presentation showcasing books of more than a dozen authors who have written children’s books. Take a look at these author’s websites, blog spots and Amazon author pages to get to know the faces behind all their books.

‘Tis the Season! Books Make Great Stocking Stuffers, too!   HERE

Remember, books make awesome stocking stuffers, so have fun perusing the Prezi presentation.  Feel free to pass this link along with the Holiday Prezi link to your friends and family who may have small children. …Rewritten from Cherrye’s Blog.


What are your favourite Stocking Stuffers on the Prezi link?

What positive books do you recommend for children?

Please comment, ask a question or give a suggestion. Please Like, tweet, or Google+

Karen Tyrrell is the award winning author of Bailey Beats the Blah , Harry Helps Grandpa Remember, Song Bird Superhero, Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra, Jo-Kin Battles the It and STOP the Bully.

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2 comments to Stocking Stuffers of Hope and Cheer

  • Thank you, Karen, for the “shout out.” You are awesome, and your work is awesome. You never cease to totally amaze me.


  • Thanks Cherrye,
    for organizing this Prezi promotion and inviting me to be part of it.
    I hope our positive books can reach children, bringing them hope and cheer!
    Karen x

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