Last week I reached rock bottom with the Worst News and later climbed the dizzy heights with the BEST News. Such is the roller coaster life of a writer.
Last Monday I received an incredulous email from a ‘new’ publisher who had earlier discussed publishing my memoir. She wanted me to pay her $8,800 for editing and ghost writing. Imagine that? … I was shattered.
Lesson to be learned …
Don’t send your work out until you’ve thoroughly investigated each publisher’s credentials. Don’t get sucked in by an ad in an industry newsletter, advertising ‘Manuscripts Wanted’ by an unknown publisher. Check them out … Money goes to the author, not the other way around. Writer Beware! … From now on, I’m doubly cautious.
Positive book karma has now returned to me …
Sally Odgers, prolific writer and ‘editor extraordinaire’ assessed my manuscript
ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness in a very positive light …
“ME AND HER’s purpose is to enlighten the community about the reality of living with bipolar disorder, whether as a patient, a family member or friend. I believe this memoir achieves that goal well. ME AND HER is an interesting and well constructed memoir … flashbacks and transitions well-handled. It is very readable and I believe strikes the right balance between hope and pragmatism.”
Why did I pay for an assessment?
I wanted to double-check my manuscript was at the highest possible publishing standard. Sally’s brilliant assessment will promote ME AND HER to publishers and agents.
Sally has an excellent reputation in the industry.
She delivered a three page personalized report including suggestions and track changes.
I highly recommend her astute assessing, mentoring and editing skills.
Many published writers attribute Sally to their publishing success.
Check out
What now?
Unbelievably today, a certain media personality contacted me about an interview requesting sample chapters from ME AND HER, as well as Sayonara and Josh and the It.
They’re very keen. I received three emails from them today.I’ll reveal more when the interview is confirmed.
WoW! Exciting eh?
Stage 2 of this spine-tingling roller coaster ride has just begun.
This interview could just be the lucky break I need. Fingers crossed. xx
Excellent work… things keep rollercoasting along… that is the keep the metaphor going…lol.. look forward to seeing who the media personality is… and finding out when the interview is…
Hi Cate, She’s/he’s a very well known media personality, who’s launched the career of many a writer. I should get plenty of warning this time. Cheers, Karen :))
Fantastic news, Karen. You’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience about the publishing industry over the last three years. Congratulations again on your publishing stepping stones and successes. Best of luck for the interview. Joanna :}}
Thanks Joanna, seems like I’ve been trying to get my Memoir published forever. Finally two breakthroughs in one week. The assessment from Sally Odgers and the forth coming media interview. Thanks for being a good friend and cheering for me along the way. Karen :))
This is all putting you in good stead for the dizzying heights of success.YAY!!
Thanks Angela,
Success has been a long time coming. And will be so sweet when it finally comes. Karen. :))
The road to publication is long and there are many lessons to be learned. Congrats for getting this far. I pray the rest of the journey will be as rewarding. Whatever happens believe in yourself and your book.
Thanks so much Tab. After today I know I’m one step closer than I was before. I’ve continue to listen and seek advice. There’s still much to learn. I do believe in ME AND HER and know now that its at a publishable standard. My personal story is unique and one that I would love to share … Karen :))
Fantastic news, Karen. Well done. This has certainly been your year. The rest of us will have to come over and rub your stomach for luck.
Thanks so much Ian. I love your sense of humor. You always have this amazing way to make me laugh. It’s been a good year, yes. But all pales in significance until I get “ME AND HER” published … Karen :))
Fabulous news, Karen! You must be just a whisker away from being published 🙂
Thanks Carol. Ooh, I hope so! Everything’s moving along now. Hope the interview will be sooner rather than later :))
Awesome News Karen! The sky’s the limit!
Thanks so much Renee. Waiting to hear more news about the interview. In the meanwhile, I’m researching Childrens publishers and planning the next step. Cheers, Karen :))