I’m Guest Blogging at Julie A. Fast, Bipolar Expert

SQUEE! Julie A. Fast, American bipolar expert requested I guest blog my bipolar Recovery expose,  Me and Her: A Memoir Of Madness  on her website, spreading bipolar and mental health awareness across the globe.

I’m thrilled to share WHY I wrote my recovery memoir, Me and Her on Julie’s “Bipolar Happens” website with over 10,000 monthly readers.

When did I First discover Julie A. Fast?

After I was released from the psyche hospital, I was determined to Recover.

I immersed myself into Julie’s book, ‘Loving Someone with bipolar disorder’ creating my own individual wellness plan, striving to understand my triggers and how to avoid them.

Recently I discovered, Julie is not only a Bipolar Expert but also a speaker, columnist and consultant on the topic of bipolar disorder management for the Oprah and Doctor  Oz created website ShareCare.com

Check out this gripping excerpt from my Guest Blog…

“ As a teacher, disturbed parents of one of my students repeatedly harassed me to breaking point and BEYOND. For over a year,  these parents dished out verbal, written, emotional and psychological abuse, anything to coerce me and the school to meet their demands. I couldn’t escape them.

“I developed extreme stress, anxiety, night terrors and sleep deprivation. Over time, I became severely manic and psychotic.

“Police forced me into a psyche hospital under an involuntary treatment order. I spent weeks refusing medication and treatment. Eventually I accepted my diagnosis. I trialled different coping techniques, empowered myself with pro-active wellness strategies… a brisk morning walk with positive gratitude, visualization techniques, mindfulness (living in the Now), a calming sleep routine, daily meditation and expressive writing.

“I literally wrote my way to recovery. Daily journal writing created a positive way to reflect on my issues and my ongoing treatment, producing a powerful cathartic effect. When I scribbled down my angst and my inner most thoughts, a weight lifted from me. Writing offered me a voice, a way to express myself, to make sense of what was happening to me.

To read the FULL DEAL go to Julie’s website  CLICK HERE

Please come back here to share your comments.

What did YOU think of my gutsy story of harassment, mental illness and RECOVERY?

Thanks Julie, for offering me this incredible opportunity to share my true life memoir, ME & HER: A Memoir Of Madness
and my recovery guide and tips for wellness with your Readers.


MORE unbelievable opportunities are streaming across the globe for ME and HER: A Memoir Of Madness … my memoir of HOPE
I’m bursting to tell you MORE!! … Please stay tuned!

How can we CHANGE attitudes to Mental Illness?

How can we spread the positive NEWS of Recovery ?

Please join me on my heart-felt quest to initiate CHANGE…

Please SHARE my story of HOPE with your friends!

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4 comments to I’m Guest Blogging at Julie A. Fast, Bipolar Expert

  • Wendy Johnson

    You’re a one woman whirlwind for hope Karen – your persistence in getting your message out is inspirational!

  • Thanks so much Wendy for your awesome friendship and support. I knew you’d be eXcited for me. This awesome opportunity came knocking on my door … Julie asked me to Guest Blog for her and I said YES!! straight away. All I did was mention to Julie that her book was listed in ME & HER’s resources. It was the first Bipolar book I read after I left the psyche hospital for the second time.

  • Wow, you’re amazing, Karen. I’m so thrilled for you. You deserve the success you’re having in getting your story out into the world. You’re an inspiration for so many people. You show what is possible for anyone. You are the saying, “If life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” Congratulations! I wish you continued success!
    Love and Light, Robyn xx

  • Thanks Robyn for cheering me on from the sidelines. With each word of support and positive response, I’m becoming braver. I’m aiming higher with my Dreams of change with community attitude towards mental illness. Love & Light… Karen 🙂

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