After completing #3 novels and a memoir back-to-back over the last two years, I’m embracing time out to pause, reflect and nurture the writer within.
My previous self-sacrificing schedule consisted of writing eight hours plus per day, finishing one book then beginning the next …
>Plotting and planning. >Writing. >Rewriting. >Redrafting times ten. >Tweaking and editing. >Sending out to beta readers. >Rewriting yet again. >Dispatching my manuscript to an editor. >Final editing. >Then emailing the ultimate version to the publisher… Do I want to start that focussed, self-disciplined cycle straight away?
Writers need intellectual, physical, social and emotional fodder to nourish and nurture the writing soul.
I’m bestowing myself the best gift of DOWN-TIME … I’m scheduling time to …
• Immerse in glorious books and explore who’s writing what.
• Allow my thoughts to wander and freely associate new ideas, new possibilities.
• Meditate daily to increase my creativity… Einstein did it!
• Experience life as it happens with my friends and family. Relax, socialize and exercise.
• Grab unique opportunities as they arise.
• Vow a Self-Love pledge, promising to live the healthiest life that I can. Promising to believe in myself and in my talents.
• Consider the BIG PICTURE of my future writing career and the next pro-active steps.
Will I keep writing?
Most DEFINITELY. Each day I’ll dip into the sheer pleasure of creating short stories, and articles for magazines, and explore new genres. I’ll continue to deliver a weekly blog.
I’ll sketch out Book 3 of the Super Space Kids Series and the sequel to SAYONARA, my crime novel in a free-range, brainstorming kind of way. I’ll Mind Map the WHAT-IFs, connecting the dots to character, plot and setting.
I’m here for the long haul. I want to sustain my long term energy and viability as a writer.
What do you do to nurture your Writer’s soul within?
I was actually wondering the other day whether you had much time to read fiction. Not just books and blogs about writing.
Writing eight hours a day, no wonder you have been so productive.
When I was writing full time, it would take me 2 weeks to finish a book. This week, I’m catching up on my reading, not only fiction but Blogs and what’s happening in the world too.
I love this post, Karen, and have shared it on my FB Wall. You inspire me constantly. Enjoy your ‘me’ time. Can’t believe you survived two years writing eight hours a day. You’re incredibly inspiring (not that I’ve been writing for the past year. Oh dear. How times have changed my habits). Thanks again for another beautiful post, dear friend. Joanna xx
Hi Joanna, Glad you ‘loved’ this post. Eight hours a day was an average sometimes wrote a little more, or a little less. Even wrote a few hours on the weekends. But now I’m enjoying my DOWN-TIME :))
What do I do? Remind myself daily that writing fiction is one of my few affordable avenues to escape the banality of life as a public servant. That does wonders for my writerly soul =) But when it comes to recharging my writerly batteries – when coffee and chocolate no longer work – I usually find a good dose of physical exercise, followed by a little lie down, and then a read of something funny usually gets me back on track. (Or listening to some REALLY loud music, followed by some with more profound lyrics; or watching Red Dwarf, Black Adder or anything by Bill Bailey). Sounds like you’ve got all *your* tools worked out though Karen! Thanks for the post. Scott.
Thanks Scott for sharing what works for you. We all have different ways of recharging those creative batteries. Makes sense that that comedy and humour would be in your medicinal repetoire :))
Wow, you have been busy Karen. It seems only yesterday you had two books, now you’ve got four! Eight hours a day is very disciplined. Four was enough for me. Now with a small baby, I just don’t get the time. But like you, I was on a creative burst which lasted 7 years and I got (almost) 7 novels out of it, a bunch of stories, poems and 3 novellas. Now I only get the time for the small stuff. And I never allowed enough time for the business side, which I find tedious, hence why I’m probably not published. Have to push a little harder.
Thanks for the post.
Thanks Anthony, You’ve been busy too with those #7 novels. I think we both owe ourselves some time in exploring the business side of writing. Making sure our work reaches the Writing and Publishing World. Good luck with your writing :))
So refreshing to read that a busy, successful person values and see the benefits of down-time. From all the work you have been doing, it sounds not only well deserved but essential! I particularly like your self-love pledge – writing can be so taxing on one’s self-esteem.
Thanks Susannah, for dropping by after meeting and chatting at the ASA group. As writers, we must learn to be kind to ourselves as the closer we get to publishing the more self-critical we can be … Good luck with your writing :))