Thanks South City Bulletin magazine for publishing my story ‘Memoir life writing to assist healing’.
Life writing healed my trauma from parent-teacher bullying, PTSD and mental illness. Writing down my story healed and inspired me to resolve my past and present issues, empowering me to move on to become emotionally more aware and insightful.
I, Karen Tyrrell, teacher was once bullied by parents at my school to breaking point. Traumatized, I became severely stressed, developing post-traumatic stress disorder. Writing down my life helped me to recover, heal and kick-start my life again.
I wrote and published Me & Her: A Memoir of Madness , Me & Him: a Guide to Recovery and empowering books for children, Bailey Beats the Blah and STOP the Bully are available from Amazon and selected book shops.
How did Life Writing help me?
Life Writing offered me a voice, a powerful healing effect. When I scribbled down my honest reflections and my innermost thoughts and feelings, a heavy weight was lifted from me. I literally wrote my way to recovery.
Each time I expressed my feelings and emotions on the page, I grew emotionally more stable, able to resolve my issues. Writing became a powerful outlet to express myself and to heal my emotional problems.
Life writing will provide you with the tools and confidence to be happier, stronger and more resilient.
Heal Yourself with Life Writing
1. WRITE every day in your journal reflecting on what you’re feeling right now. Get in touch with your honest thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you’re dealing with an issue write how you’re going to address it, growing stronger and more empowered.
2. REFLECT on your past experiences. Ask yourself: What really happened? How did I feel then? How do I feel now? How am I growing stronger and more resilient?
3. TRY other forms of creative writing: letter writing, poetry and short stories. Writing this way will promote your creativity but also help to resolve your past and present issues.
4. CONSIDER writing your memoir. Read award winning memoirs and attend memoir writing workshops.
Read #8 Tips ‘Memoir life writing to assist healing’ at South City Bulletin! HERE
FREE Event: Write & Publish a Memoir Workshop
Come to Logan North Library 7th April at 6pm. I’ll guide you step by step on how to write and publish your memoir. Bookings essential. Please ring ASAP to reserve a seat Ph 3412 4140 Read HERE
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Has writing helped to heal you too?
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Such a powerful and effective way to exorcise ones demons. Writing down what’s happening in your head leaves some space to think better about it. Great article
Hi Steve,
Thanks for checking out my Blog and my article in the magazine too … Karen 🙂