Books From Our Backyard 2013

ppl 4WOOHOO!  Queensland Writers Centre announced their latest Book catalogue Books From Our Backyard 2013 … I’m celebrating!!

Bailey Beats the Blah: resilience picture book and ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery: wellness memoir are published within their pages…

Bailey Beats the Blah  (2013) empowers kids to over come SAD days and WORRY thoughts with coping skills. …

“Bailey HATES his new school. His tummy aches. He has no friends.His dog Fuzzy slobbers all over him. BLAH!

How can Bailey change his BLAH to HA-HA-HA? 5 STAR Reviews  HERE


DSC03494ME & HIM: A Guide to Recovery (2013) *5 STARS… Carers Guide to recovery, wellness and happiness.

How to recover from anxiety & depression and STAY WELL

PART 1: Stop panic attacks, stress less, sleep better, develop a wellness plan

PART 2:  Sequel to ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness from Carer’s perspective, revealing NEW secrets   5 STAR Reviews  HERE

Books From Our Backyard — Filled with a year’s worth of books published by Queensland authors, is our biggest yet, with over 250 collections, novels, memoirs and stories listed inside. Books from our Backyard 2011

Queensland Writers Centre invited me to celebrate the launch of Books From Our Backyard 2013  with catalogue authors...  

AUTHORS include: Charmaine Clancy, June Perkins, Robin Adolphs, Janice Gallen, Michelle Worthington, Candice Lemon Scott,

Stephanie Azri, Chris Collins, Kelly Hart, Sheryl Gwyther, Peter Carnavas, Samantha Wheeler, Michael Gerard Bauer, Christine Bongers and MORE

Event: Launch Books From Our Backyard 2013.

When: Tuesday 1 July, 6 – 7.30 pm

Where: Poinciana Lounge, Level 2, State Library of Queensland, Cultural Centre, South Brisbane.

Can’t wait to see all my writing buddies there!

Will you be going?

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