WINNERS Song Bird Superhero Book Giveaway

Announcing winners Song Bird Superhero book giveaway.

Song Bird is a humorous book about a bullied girl who overcomes bullying through self-belief, singing and science.

Song Bird Superhero is written by award winning author Karen Tyrrell.

Reviews: Song Bird Superhero

‘An imaginative tale that flies high. A young girl realises she much […]

Amazon launches Song Bird Superhero

Amazon launches Song Bird Superhero across the World.

On Saturday I launched Song Bird Superhero at Logan North Library as a interactive pantomime to a crowd of kids and grown-ups.

Song Bird superhero took flight in full feathered wings


Today Amazon launches Song Bird Superhero, an empowering children’s book in print and […]

Jo-Kin Battles the It Launches on Amazon

Jo-Kin Battles the It (Super Space Kids #1) by Karen Tyrrell launches World Wide on Amazon in print and eBook. HERE

JO-KIN is a hilarious space adventure empowering kids to live strong with resilience, teamwork and HUMOR.

Jo-Kin Battles the It (Super Space Kids #1)

What is it about?

Goof ball Josh […]

Harry Helps Grandpa Remember on Amazon

Harry Helps Grandpa Remember is available as a FULL COLOUR print picture book.

“Harry Helps Grandpa Remember shares the special love between a little boy and his grandpa who was Alzheimer’s. Harry will do ANYTHING to help his grandpa remember. A heart-warming story, full of humor and HOPE.”

ISBN: 97809 8727 4083

Reviews STOP the Bully Round 2

STOP the Bully by Karen Tyrrell

YAY! NEW exciting reviews have arrived for STOP the Bully, my empowering novel to help prevent bullying in Schools.

BLURB: 11-year-old Brian’s life is falling apart. His Mum and dad split up. Now a bully is tormenting him and his little sister at school.

HOW can Brian […]

Winners STOP the Bully Book Giveaway

Thanks everyone for supporting empowering children’s bully prevention novel, STOP the Bully with 5 Star

Reviews & support from teachers, school counselors, mental health organizations, Mums & authors HERE

SPECIAL thanks to all the hosts and entrants to the June 3-16 Blog Tour

See Giveaway HERE

YAY!! I’m announcing the WINNERS…

Drum Roll…

Winner of […]

Celebrating Mental Health Week 7-13 Oct

WOOHOO! I’m celebrating mental health week! I’ve TRIUMPHED over bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

I created ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness, a teacher’s honest story of being terrorized by parents, my escape and incarceration by police into a psyche ward.

I share my positive guide to Recovery and my tools for wellness […]

HOW to Find Your Happiness

Once I was severely stressed, anxious and sleep deprived, tormented by screaming night terrors.

Parents at my school harassed and stalked me to the brink of insanity …and Beyond.

I developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe bipolar disorder. Police incarcerated me into a psyche ward, not to be released until I agreed to take […]

FREE eBook: Top 30 Tools for Mental Wellness

SQUEE! I’m launching my FREE eBook Top 30 Tools for Wellness :Healthy Mind, Happy Day. 30 Mental Wellness tools to help you feel happier, healthier and mentally stronger.

Get your FREE copy of this powerful eBook that lists step-by-step how to live each day happier, healthier and mentally stronger … using successful healing techniques.

And […]

ME & HER: a Memoir of Madness Global REVIEWS & Interviews

ME & HER launched internationally on Amazon with a flurry of anticipation and stunning REVIEWS. ME & HER is offering HOPE and Healing to those with mental health issues, delivering tools for recovery & wellness.

ME & HER: A Memoir of Madness is listed WORLD-WIDE on Amazon with the BEST BOOKS on Mental Illness.

It’s […]