Raising Climate Action Superheroes

A child holds placards during a protest march to call for action against climate change, in The Hague, Netherlands September 27, 2019. REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw

Raising Climate Action Superheroes

With our Great Barrier Reef, forests and waterways ravaged by climate change and pollution, kids need hope for the future.

How can children  save our planet? … Without terrifying them?

Kids need eco-education and scientific knowledge to inspire and empower themselves to take positive action and become eco-superheroes. One pathway is reading books with positive messages of hope.

Books with positive eco messages highlight environmental and ecological influences on our planet – and what we can do about it. Eco warrior books motivate children to take care of the reef, endangered animals, and precious resources of Planet Earth. They teach kids about sustainability and how to reduce the human imprint on the oceans and the environment.

Eco warriors are modern-day superheros.

They help kids to connect with their inner super powers and take charge.

Eco warriors fight environmental problems and villains, challenging themselves to find solutions. They model how children can take action to become eco warriors themselves. Kids learn how to keep our waterways and environment clean, green and beautiful.

#6 Ways in Raising Climate Action Superheroes

  1. Pick up litter in waterways, parks and streets.
  2. Reduce purchase of plastics or excessive packaging, especially plastic water bottles straws and take-away containers.
  3. Reduce your carbon footprint and live more sustainably, a way of living that minimises impact on the planet.
  4. Recycle as much as you can, and use reusable shopping bags and water bottles.
  5. If you’re visiting the Great Barrier Reef, help scientists and researchers by getting involved in Save the Reef programs.
  6. Read books about environmental superheroes like Sir David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg.

Greta Thurnberg … HOPE!

What’s the Climate Action Message in Song Bird Great Barrier Reef Rescue?

Song Bird and her friends solve climate change problems using cutting-edge STEM science, perseverance and team effort.

Sir David Attenborough wrote a personal Letter of Support.

Australian Marine Conservation Society, Coral Watch, Brisbane City Libraries and reef organizations support Great Barrier Reef Rescue eco adventure too.

Sir David Attenborough supports Great Barrier Reef Rescue

#8 Climate Action Books for Kids

  1. Grimsdon Series by Deborah Abela – JF
  2. The Tomorrow Book by Jackie French
  3. Wind Catcher by Diane Jackson Hill
  4. One Child by Christopher Change
  5. The Great Lizard Trek by Felicity Bradshaw
  6. Weird Wild Amazing Animals by Tim Flannery
  7.  A Patch from Scratch by Megan Forward
  8. Song Bird Series by Karen Tyrrell – JF

List compiled by Karen Tyrrell & Vanessa Jean.

Karen Tyrrell’s Brisbane’s award-winning author of the Song Bird eco series.
Rainforest Rescue shortlisted Speech Pathology Book of the Year.
songbirdbooks.com Amazon karentyrrell.com

Can kids Save the Planet?

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4 comments to Raising Climate Action Superheroes

  • steve tyrrell

    Its a great blog Karen on a subject we are both passionate about. I’m inspired every time I see young people talk and act (within the law) for climate change action.
    As your co-author I have a love-hate relationship with the eternal evil character, Destructo.
    Many of our young readers are recognising Destructo as a metaphor for those entities who care little for our environment and go on to cause eco-damage for personal greed.
    Song Bird never gives up fighting for to protect the vulnerable and the environment. I hope our readers and young people empower themselves and go on to protect the environment too.
    We only get one chance with our environment, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

  • Hear! Hear! Eloquently said, Steve!

  • It’s a great initiative Karen! Thanks for including A Patch from Scratch on your recommended list x Megan

  • Hi Megan,
    Lovely to hear from you. My pleasure! Congratulations on your book and all that you do.
    Karen 🙂

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